XXVIII Pediatric Work Physiology
Visitors: 84714
Posters: 94
Oral comunications: 44
Number of registrations: 146
Conference fee
 Nov 08, 2012 to Jun 05, 2013Jun 06 to 30, 2013
 Single room registration (Checkin at 1st Oct | Checkout at 5th Oct)
This item allows you to bring a companion. To do this, you only have to make that choice in Additional options.
First kid don't pay until 12 years old, except food.
1000.00 EUR1100.00 EUR
 Shared room registration (Checkin at 1st Oct | Checkout at 5th Oct)
This registration requires the sharing of the room with another participant. The first participant to register needs to indicate the other participant name and e-mail address. During the the second participant registration, the available item will already show the shared room information. If you are indifferent to who will share a room, leave the fields blank.
900.00 EUR1000.00 EUR
 International PhD students (Checkin at 1st Oct | Checkout at 5th Oct)
This registration is only for students and limited to 20 vacancies. After the registration is done, you must send a copy of your students certificate by email. For the conference, you should bring the original certificate with you.

This registration requires the sharing of the room with another participant. The first participant to register needs to indicate the other participant name and e-mail address. During the the second participant registration, the available item will already show the shared room information. If you are indifferent to who will share a room, leave the fields blank.
800.00 EUR900.00 EUR
 Portuguese researchers from co-promoter universities
Limited to 20 vacancies.
Not included: dinners, social afternoon (Thursday), transfers, accommodation.
Limited to poster submission.
360.00 EUR400.00 EUR
 FCDEF-UC Investigators & CIDAF member
Limited to 20 vacancies
Not included: dinners, social afternoon (Thursday), transfers, accommodation.
250.00 EUR300.00 EUR
Additional options
 Accompanying person
Only available for the Single Room registration.
First kid don't pay until 12 years old, except food.
425.00 EUR425.00 EUR
What is included
 FCDEF-UC Investigators & CIDAF memberPortuguese researchers from co-promoter universitiesShared room registrationSingle room registrationAccompanying personInternational PhD students
Welcome cocktail
Lunch *444444
Dinner *3331
Book of Abstracts
Children Exercise XXVIII
Social visit
Incoming/Outgoing transport
Bicycle **
SPA program at Hotel Termas
(oral communication)
(poster presentation)

* Vegetarian meals will be provided when requested at the time of the registration
** If the number of participants exceeds 100
 - Included quantity
 - Included
 - Optional
 - Not available
 - To be confirmed